Fountain Fields Park

Fountain Fields Park is Middlewich’s official park and has a Green Flag Status.

Conveniently located near to the town centre, this compact park opened in 1952 and, over many years, it has been the focus of many community events, carnivals and activities over the years. Over time, the onsite facilities had deteriorated and the equipment was dated and unsuitable. In 2012, the Middlewich Vision Parks & Play Areas Group listed Fountain Fields Park as a key priority project. The aim was to secure enough funding to create a park that the town could be proud of. To ensure that the rejuvenation of Fountain Fields Park reflected what local people wanted, a detailed consultation was carried out in 2015 and 2016 and people’s opinions were collated.  Details of the project background and the findings of the consultation can be viewed here:

Fountain Fields Public Consultation 2016 Results

Fountain Fields Renovation Project Background 2018

In 2018, over £300,000 in funding was confirmed, the final plans were drawn up and a tender was issued by Cheshire East/ANSA who are responsible for the site. Wicksteed, one of the UK’s premier playground equipment suppliers, were contracted to carry out the work. The site was officially re-opened in August 2018.

Fountain Fields Park has a wealth of exciting play and outdoor gym equipment and it has a very popular and challenging zip wire.  The onsite cafe is currently closed but there are plans to re-open the unit in the future. The site is used by many local residents and organisations and a large variety of events have been held in the grounds. Over the past year, Middlewich Crazy Daisies Group have planted a beautiful stretch of wildflowers which is teeming with bees and insects – perfect for little explorers to discover the nature on their doorstep.

Click on the interactive map below to find your nearest Middlewich play areas and Fountain Fields Park.