A local council is a universal term for community, neighbourhood, parish and town councils. They are the first tier of local government and are statutory bodies which operate at a level below district and borough councils and in some cases, unitary authorities.

Town Councils serve electorates and are independently elected and raise their own precept (a form of council tax). The structure of each council is varied. In Middlewich, the town council has a range of Committees who make decisions on a variety of subjects and issues. In addition, Middlewich Town Council also has a Mayor and Deputy Mayor.

Mayoral Role

Many councils have a civic mayor or chairman of the council. They carry out ceremonial duties and chair meetings, but cannot make decisions about council business.


Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible for deciding on the Budgets, Assets and allocation of local grants through the Middlewich Town Council Grants scheme.

Cemetery Committee

The Cemetery Committee has been established to work through the current situation that affects the Middlewich Cemetery and its ongoing circumstances.

Staffing/HR Committee

The Staffing/HR Committee are tasked with those things affecting the Human Resource function including pensions, contracts and recruitment.



The Town Clerk/RFO

The Council employs the Town Clerk/RFO and other staff known as ‘Officers’. The RFO (Responsible Financial Officer) is responsible for maintaining the town councils finances, monitoring payroll and overseeing accounting systems etc. More details about the role, responsibility and Legislation can be viewed here: Government Legislation

The Town Clerk is responsible for managing all employees and ensuring that Middlewich Town Council follows correct procedure and legislation in all aspects of the town councils work. 

Shaun Clough 

Acting Middlewich Town Council Clerk/RFO



Town Clerks are traditionally supported in their role by a Deputy Clerk.

Council Officers

Officers implement the decisions made by the Clerk and Councillors and carry out the routine administration of Middlewich Town Council.

Elisabeth Nicholson, Senior Administrator        Email: 

Alice Wright, Administrator  / Civic Officer        Email:  

Ian Hough, Middlewich Town Ranger

Mark Kettle – Middlewich Town Ranger

Caretakers Team

Nikki Kettle

Mike Sproston

Please contact Admin or Admin Support with regards to requests in relation to the Caretaking Team.

There is currently one vacancy on the Caretakers Team

Middlewich Town Council also employs casual hall staff for Victoria Hall Bar as the need arises. 

The Transparency Code requires local authorities to publish details (including job descriptions, responsibilities and staff numbers) of any senior employees earning over £50,000 per annum.  Middlewich Town Council has no employees earning over this amount.

Middlewich Town Council’s staffing structure can be found in this link: Staffing Structure 2022